Maxx Flippage (Buck)!
My Garage
The trucks...
Traxxas Trx4
- Manufacturer: Traxxas
- Motor: Fusion
- ESC:
- Color: Copper
Bitsa Mutt
Hilux hardbody
- Manufacturer: Bitsa
- Motor: Fusion
- ESC:
- Color: Primer
Axial Capra
Front steer only 4WS
- Manufacturer: Axial
- Motor: Fusion
- ESC:
- Color: Red
Axial Capra
Capra 4WS
- Manufacturer: Axial
- Motor: Fusion
- ESC:
- Color: Black
Traxxas Trx4M
High Country
- Manufacturer: Traxxas
- Motor: Stock with slow transmission
- ESC:
- Color: Brown
Rock garden on left near main entrance
Great bashing/jumping spot in the park just North of the pond
Take the walk out to Bald Rock. Play on the plentiful rocks and boulders strewn all over the area
Turn left at the top. Big gnarly rock garden on left
There’s a huge rock wall on Lenlock Lane in front of LDS Church. Avoid Sundays and you can use their parking lot
DeSoto has everything from trails to rocks to house-size boulders. It’s fantastic
There’s a fun rock bank just North of the Weaver PD Northern most driveway. Bring treats for the neighbor’s dog, donuts for the cops
Great crawling terrain that’s easy to access. CAUTION:This is at the bottom of a mountain bike trail. Riders are screaming down the hill. Be careful near the trail
The whole thing is amazing. The best crawling experience of my life
Weaver Cave Reserve Rocky trails available, but open infrequently. Dates announced at link above.