My Garage
The trucks...
Green Bastard
Element Element Builder's kitv2

Element Builder's kitv2 on an Amazon LCG Chassis

  • Manufacturer: Element
  • Motor: Fusion SE 1800kv
  • ESC: Fusion SE
  • Color: Green
Honky Wagon
Traxxas TRX4 Sport

TRX4 on Injora LCG Chasis

  • Manufacturer: Traxxas
  • Motor: Fusion SE 1800kv
  • ESC: Fusion SE
  • Color: Texas Flag
Submissions: 6

Park at Airfield Falls, walk about 1/4 mile to "Hidden Waterfalls" park. Plenty of rocks to on crawl on and sidewalk runs along side of the rocks. Small but good crawling.

Nice crawl spot, better for line killers with high breakover angle skids. Park on street, walk 20' down to river.

Scenic waterfall, mild trailing, nothing too hard. Park at baseball fields parking lot or lot at end Hidden Lake rd. once its open again

Small but good spot for trail/scale RCs

Decent park, mostly good for trailing, some rocks to crawl down by creek

Walk down to creek to a small but good spot for trail/scale RCs. There is a spot on one of the banks that is a little more challenging. Like Little Fossil Park, its better when water is lower.