Smith Homestead 

46100 Wilson River Hwy, Tillamook Oregon 97141
Submitted by: diclexic schweb
Nice Crawling spot on the willson river has good parking and probly a good rc jetboat spotAdditional Notes/Instructions
This is a Awesome spot for all rc This rilly cool place to camp swime and drive atv/drit bikes rilly good Crawling spots and a rilly cool place for jet boats and bashers thares a lot of cool trails to rip on and sum jumps to just have to go down the gravel road and stay to the right
Added by diclexic schweb on October 08, 2024
Great spot for general crawling. Extensive rock formations under and near the main bridge over the Wilson river. South side, east and west banks have trail access down to the banks. Somewhat treacherous grades on the trails, be careful. Northwest bank easily accesible. Some rock formations can be very slick or hard to walk on. Northeast bank is much harder to get to. Trails are not obvious.
Added by Ricardo Kutz on March 06, 2025
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